Comfort Measures for Labor

Positions for Labor

In this 2 hour Zoom class expectant families get to explore optimal fetal positioning during late pregnancy and labor. Practice labor positions in the comfort of your home with the guidance of an experienced Birth Doula!

Offered Once a Month.

Cost : $50.00 - Digital Handouts Included

Instructor: Doula Love Affiliated Doula!

Comfort Measures for Labor

Massage for Labor

In this 2 hour Zoom class expectant families get to explore touch and massage for late pregnancy and labor. Practice in the comfort of your home with the guidance of an experienced Birth Doula!

Offered Once a Month.

Cost : $50.00 - Digital Handouts Included

Instructor: Doula Love Affiliated Doula!

Find a Class

Doula Love has been offering in person and virtual classes to families since 2013! We offer a variety of classes for your pregnancy and postpartum journey!