“At Doula Love, we are focused on more than getting the baby out.”
PDX PLacenta
PDX PLacenta
Providing Professional Placenta Encapsulation Services in Portland Metro and Seattle Metro!
“Placentophagy” is the scientific term for placenta consumption. Human placentophagy has been practiced in China for several hundreds of years, has appeared in western medical literature since the early 20th century and has experienced a surge of popularity in North America since the early 1970’s. Why this surge in popularity? Well, that’s what we’re here to discuss!
Placenta Encapsulation is the process by which we turn your placenta into easy-to-swallow capsules, which many new mothers find more palatable than the raw alternative. If you are interested in placenta encapsulation, but are also curious about raw or frozen placenta, we do offer the option of encapsulating half of your placenta and preparing the rest for raw consumption. All encapsulation orders come with an umbilical-cord-keepsake.
The most common method of placentophagy here in the United States is that in which you take the placenta as a pill (you actually get your placenta “encapsulated” by a professional like Doula Love). Most individuals can handle the idea of swallowing a pill that doesn’t look or taste anything like their recently expelled placenta.
There are other methods, too. Some people “hide” their placenta in some sort of dish – a stew, for example, or lasagna or even placenta chili! Others have their placentas made into tinctures. Some still practice raw consumption – they have their placenta frozen into little pellets that can be blended into smoothies and the like.
Recovery Hormones found in the Placenta
Prolactin – promotes let down and helps you do the same things over and over without feeling like you are doing the same things over and over
Oxytocin – helps relieve pain, enhances bonding, helps uterus contract to non-pregnant state, the ‘love’ hormone
TSH – (thyroid stimulating hormone) boosts energy and helps in recovering from stressful events
Interferon – stimulates the immune system, protects against infection
Prostaglandins – stimulates involution of the uterus post birth and acts as an anti-inflammatory
Hemoglobin – replenishes iron, which restores energy and helps prevent anemia, a common postpartum condition
Urokinase – reduces bleeding and enhances wound healing
Gamma globulin – immune booster to help prevent postpartum infections
CRT (Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone) – reduces stress
Postpartum individuals almost always experience, postpartum fatigue, whether from a long birth or a baby that won’t sleep without being held. This fatigue may be compounded by up to six weeks (and sometimes more!) of inconvenient postpartum bleeding.
Shifting hormones may result in a few days of baby blues and mood swings or, for many people, weeks or months of postpartum depression. Many individuals also struggle to build up an adequate milk supply, an obstacle that can be attributed to a number of factors such as a premature or traumatic birth, a cesarean birth, blood loss or formula supplementation.
Placenta Encapsulation Services and Umbilical Cord Keep Sake: $350.00
Doula Love Birth and Postpartum Clients: $50.00 Discount
A $50 Transportation fee may be added for addresses outside Portland Metro or Salem Metro.$75.00 for each additional Placenta ( Multiples)
Placentas will be processed in our placenta-designated kitchens located in North Portland and Salem.
Your placenta will be processed in your home kitchen if you have contracted a Doula Love Doula who also offers placenta encapsulation services. If you are unsure ask your Doula Love doula!