Meet the Central Willamette Valley(CWV) Doulas

Meet the Doulas - Doula Love is an award-winning doula agency that has provided Professional Doula Services and Match Making services to families in the Portland Oregon area since 2013. We have expanded our services to the Seattle Metro Area in 2023 and the CWV in 2025 .

Our Professional Doulas believe in Continuity of Care and are dedicated to making their clients a priority. All our professional doulas are certified or near, carry professional liability insurance, infant first aid/ CPR certified.

Doula Love has always prioritized diversity, equity, and inclusion when bringing doulas onto our team. We contract with doulas who provide evidence-based information, and advocacy and adhere to a strict code of conduct.

Doula Love is committed to finding the right doula for you.

Seattle Doula
Doula Love Doulas

What do you get if you hire a Doula Love Affiliated Doula?

Paying for Doula Care